Mouth-watering Omaha Steaks

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Book review: 'Recession-Proof Living'

From the title, one would expect instructions about saving, investing, spending, and planning involving a lot of numbers. The author is Bill Wiese, who also wrote 23 Minutes in Hell (see review).

Instead, this is more of a how-to-live book based on Biblical principles that in turn will take care of financial aspects.

First, we need to be clear that eternal salvation is ours simply by accepting it through Jesus for the free gift that it is.

In the meantime, while we are still stuck here on earth, prosperity comes from obedience to God’s Word, Wiese says. He is careful to point out, several times, that  obedience doesn’t mean being legalistic or performance. Rather,  “We can’t earn anything, as it has already been given to us . . . The difference is . . . you are eager to please Him.”

The book is loaded with Bible verses and several examples of how Wiese “did the right thing,” often turning down financial gain, but was ultimately rewarded.

Tests are an important part. “One of the keys to success is to recognize when God is testing us or when the enemy is trying to steal from us. The tests from God are always to see what is in our hearts . . . We need to discern what is a test from God, what is an attack of the devil, and what is simply our own lack of knowledge or disobedience.”

Following Biblical guidance in how we think, act, and speak goes a long way in making this journey more pleasant and less painful. Whoever gives the most, wins!

Wiese summarizes everything into 15 concepts starting with “seek wisdom” and ending with “express God’s love.” Listing all of them here doesn’t do it justice, as a quick read is only a beginning; they need deeper understanding, and then the commitment to constantly strive to put them all into practice.

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