Mouth-watering Omaha Steaks

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Sports: baseball uniforms

Here’s an interesting question on the “controversial” topic of baseball uniforms from MLB:

My preference falls with the guy who says let the home team choose first, and then the visitors need to pick something contrasting.

Whites and grays are fine, but get old after awhile. I do like the occasional switch into some colored tops. But even though it doesn’t affect the game, when both teams wear the same colors, it’s just not as good to watch.

In any sport, it’s nice to have differing uniform colors. Once in awhile even in football or basketball, the “white” uniform will be so loaded with other colors, the contrast between teams is lost. Dominant red vs. blue, green vs. gold, or whatever is best whenever possible.

What I really dislike is the overdone “throwback” uniforms. They tend to be really ugly. Maybe if the home team wore them for an occasion honoring something, but don’t make the visitors do it, too! Once every three yeas or so, a throwback mixes it up a bit, but otherwise stick to regular uniforms and either put more talent on the field or lower ticket prices.

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