Mouth-watering Omaha Steaks

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Running: fall season and deer hunting

My running season is about over for the year. Not due to motivation – weather and lack of daylight.

I love getting up early, have a cup of coffee, and be out there to start running the minute I can see well enough what I’m stepping on; then enjoying the sunrise as the day brightens.

In summer, it’s easy to get 6 miles, breakfast, and a shower all in and still make it to work on time easily. These days, it’s just dark, and getting worse.

So I’m reduced to running a few more times on weekends only. One of my a favorite places is a nearby trail, but it’s next to a good-sized woods. And that means deer hunting.

Last weekend, I got spooked at the thought of essentially running through the woods with hunters around. Didn’t want to be the next headline: “Runner shot by hunter.”

Instead, I opted for a wide open route where I could see and be seen. It still was eerie hearing shots being fired in the distance, but at least I knew they weren’t directed at me.

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