Mouth-watering Omaha Steaks

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Christmas shopping: part 5, unofficially finished!

Retraced a previous trip. Because one of my readers is also a gift recipient, I can’t describe it any more than an Undisclosed Retail Establishment (URE).

Upon entering the URE, it was painfully obvious that the intensity level of Christmas shopping has increased from our previous steps. I even suggested that one of us acquire a place in line while the other picks up what we came for. We toughed it out and both shopped and waited. Judging by the volume, maybe the economy isn’t as bad as it still seems to be.

With that task complete, we were then left at a crossroads: whether to go to a frequently-visited Walmart or an unfamiliar one. We chose the adventure of a new one. (They are different – the same components, but arranged differently – sort of like buildings Legos into different arrangements.)

It was at the “new” Walmart, I made these comparisons of hiking through Walmart and hiking through the Rocky Mountains:

• you can go out-and-back, a loop, or simply aim for a desired distance.
• the scenery changes as progress from along a creek, through pharmacy, open meadows, housewares, thick forest, electronics, etc.
• you are constantly presented with navigational decisions to make: stepping around the tree root or the fat lady, avoiding the jagged rock or group of tweenagers, and so on.
• it is fairly like to run into Duck Dynasty-like characters in either place.
• for the advanced, you can even use your GPS to return to your car(t).

There are some differences, though, such as very few elevation changes in Walmart, not more than a few inches. And although you protected from the weather, you can’t follow the sun as a guide. In fact, in a 24-hour Walmart, time is irrelevant since you don’t have worry about finishing before nightfall.

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